The work consists of a 57,000 sf athletic facility constructed of a Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB) with metal panel walls and roofs. Interior construction includes masonry partitions, an elevated indoor running track suspended from the PEMB and a partial second floor for exercise equipment.  Fire protection, roof top (roof mounted and ground mounted) HVAC equipment, plumbing system and fixtures and electrical work are included.  Limited site work and a parking lot are included as well.  Certain items will be provided by the owner.

This project will be awarded in multiple Prime Contract Bid Packages as described in section 1.06 of the Bid Form; the Bid Package Scope of Work Descriptions included in the project manual; and elsewhere in the contract documents.  The Scope of Work Descriptions are provided for general guidance and are not exhaustive.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure the bid amount is complete and thorough to provide all work necessary for full completion of the package.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure the bid amount includes coordination with other trades.

The owner will provide all work related to Finishes (Division 9); Specialties (Division 10); Equipment (Division 11) and Earthwork and Exterior Improvements (Division 31 and 32); portions of Utilities (Division 33) and other items as noted.  The contract documents include information about these scopes of work but are included for reference only.

  1. Bid Package A:  Division 03 Concrete (Footings, Foundations, Interior Floor Slabs, Hollow Core, Topping Slabs, Reinforcing)
  2. Bid Package B:  Division 04 Masonry (CMU and Masonry Veneer)
  3. Bid Package C:  Division 05 Metals and Division 13 Special Construction (Structural Steel, Pre-Engineered Metal Building)
  4. Bid Package D:  Division 05 Metals (Cold Formed Metal Framing); Division 06 Wood, Plastics & Composites (Rough Carpentry); Division 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection at the entry vestibule and elsewhere, Division 08 Openings (Doors and Frames, Coiling Doors, Overhead Doors, Aluminum Storefront, Door Hardware, Glazing)
  5. Bid Package E: Division 21 Fire Suppression
  6. Bid Package F:  Division 22 Plumbing
  7. Bid Package G:  Division 23 Mechanical
  8. Bid Package H:  Division 26 Electrical and Division 28 Electronic Safety and Security

The owner may elect to provide all work or portions of the work related to Bid Packages E, F, G, and/or H.

Alternate bids for selected elements are requested for portions of the work in Bid Package A and Bid Package C.  Refer to the Bid Form section 1.06.R and 1.06.S for additional information.

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Addendum No. 1